Saturday, June 5, 2010

My sisters say I should post more on my blog but I am not very eloquent in writing or talking.  I want to say some things though and I am having a really hard time talking.  I am so thankful I have sisters that will  pray for me and are there for me when I am so frightened.  Sometime I fail to let them know how much they mean to me  and just saying thanks is not enough.  I love my sisters and I always have but I guess I failed many years to let them know that.  Seemed to have time only for a job, a family, and housework galore.  But I always loved them.

Thanks so much for helping me with my fears, someone I know has touched heaven for me because I feel a little better today.  I am just not talking much.  My head hurts and it is unlike any head ache I have ever had.  Please pray that God will help to relieve the rest of my fears.

I want to Thank Him for something though, something happened the other night that I dont understand.  Sean said the air conditioning was making him  cold, and he said that several times that afternoon.  Well when we went back to the bedroom to read and just have a little time together.........he felt really hot.  I took his temp and it was 102.  That really concerned me and I gave him some Tylenol (not the recalled stuff) and I began to pray.   Tucked him into bed and watched him sleep for a while and prayed again.  A bout two in the morning he began to sweat and I knew the fever had broke.  Did not seem to have any symptoms of any kind of sickness other than the fever but I know that Jesus broke that temp.  I told him the next morning  that Grandma didnt just give him tylenol.........i prayed for him too. 

Sue I wanted you to see the beautiful roses that CW has in a rose garden.  He does this for me and the kids pick them for the table. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I talked to you and you said he was sleeping, I figured then he was sick.
What happened/ You do know, God took control of the situation.
Yes you are loved and cherished. At lease for me, I wish I had done more for you and maye been a better example but we all fall down, we just have to get back up again,
Jeanette Get up again and again, That is what we do. We are Browns and Tubervilles and Children of God.