Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I find myself asking

Today I was wondering as I often do , what am I suppose to do with what is left of my life.  Well lately it seems we have some adopted kids here that really do demand a lot of time and energy.  Not our grand kids but neighborhood  kids.  I often ask  Where are the parents of these kids that want to hang out at my house?  I know they smell supper cooking, I know they know when I have baked cookies, they know when CW is home and they always have problems with their bikes, etc.  So here we are and I was asking, then I picked up my book  Chicken Soup for the Country Soul............Randy Travis had written this and placed in this book:   My Answer?

"Love is a Verb"

Giving love is doing
and there's always more to do
Share with those in need,
and it will all come back to you.
For when life on earth is over
and your time to go has come,
You wont be judged by what you  have
but by good deeds you've done
So greet with open arms
every soul you run into
'cause giving love is doing
and there's always more to do.
Randy Travis

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